Hello all,<br>
Forgive the very late email but you must be fairly used to it by now. We're about as efficient as a privatised national rail franchise around here :)<br>
The next meeting is tomorrow night at the usual time, 7pm onwards. Neil Bothwick is going to be telling us a bit about MQTT, the lightweight messaging protocol. More details, including directions and so on, can be seen on the full blog post - <a href="http://www.livlug.org.uk/2018/06/livlug-june-2018-meeting/">http://www.livlug.org.uk/2018/06/livlug-june-2018-meeting/</a><br>
Don't forget we now meet at the new DoES Liverpool location in Kempston Street. So if you haven't been there yet look it up on the link above and don't go to Hannover St!!<br>
Hope to see many of you there, best wishes,<br>