[Malvern] Another Linux user.

Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore stuart at sslaxx.demon.co.uk
Sun May 8 12:03:56 BST 2005

Geoff Bagley wrote:
> Bore da.
> Got back from North Wales yesterday.
> My four-year old grandson was having a "bouncy-castle" birthday  party 
> on our front lawn.
> The guy in charge of the bouncy-castle saw my Linux "Tux" shirt and 
> asked "Are you another Linux user?"
> He lives in Bluebell Close.
> He does all his business stuff on Mandrake and uses KSpread.
> He mentioned other users known to him at the College in Worcester.
> I take this to mean the University College.
> Can we get into contact with these other guys and get a larger Group up 
> and running ?

The more the merrier, yes? It'd always be good to get the group to 
expand, I think.


Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore.

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