[Malvern] Google Earth.

Richard Forster rick at forster.uklinux.net
Fri Oct 19 21:30:56 BST 2007

Type "google", "earth" and "linux" into google and hit "I'm feeling lucky".

Maps and Earth are rather different once you get beyond the most basic 
uses. Maps is fantastic for directions, being able to drag the route to 
create detours is superb. Typing restaurants near $POSTCODE is 
wonderful. I still use AA routefinder and multimap as well as google 
maps because there are differences sometimes and I want to see what the 
different options are.

Earth is good for exploring geography. Clicking the links to submitted 
photos etc and changing your view angle to see the malvern hills from a 
birds eye rather than a satellite eye view is good. Some cities have 3D 
building data so you can view the Houses of Parliament, or Buckingham 
Palace etc (There's a Guard clearly visible with his red coat)
But don't bother unless you have working 3D graphics.


Geoff Bagley wrote:
> Google "map"  is a very nive mapping programme for anywhere on earth.
> There also exists "Google Earth".
> Does this run on Linux ?  I would like to compare the two.
> Best regards,
> Geoff
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