Hi Folks,<br><br>Although this is somewhat late, I have been tasked with reminding everyone that we've got a bi-monthly, mid-month brunch coming up tomorrow. Now, although we did speak of trying a different venue, I believe - at this point - we'll be sticking with <span class="nfakPe">Feeling</span> <span class="nfakPe">Peckish, Newark. If you're interested in coming along, just turn up by 11 tomorrow morning.<br>
<br>Possible topics for discussion include, but are certainly not limited to:<br>* Speech recognition on Linux<br>* Homebrew software for the Nintendo DS<br>* Cross architecture development<br>* Alternative paradigms in windows managers<br>
* Blender<br>* SDL<br><br><br>Ciao,<br>Chris Hayes<br></span>