[Nottingham] Event Publicity. The LUG as a whole.

Alex Herington nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Aug 26 11:04:00 2003

| > | P.S. a little bird told me that the Revolution-OS screening
| > was to be
| > | Weds (tomorrow!) - enlightenment anyone (no, not the wm - I
| > mean further
| > | info)
| >
| > It is? :o I didn't know anything had been arranged - where is it being
| > screened?
| >
| > Alex.
| I'd been told it was weds at the Broadway Business Centre -- yes Alex,
| your place! so I have clearly been misled. I am protecting my sources
| but I will deal with them!

Hehe.. not a problem. So to summarise the feedback we have so far regarding
Revolution OS:

Equipment sourced: DVD player, LCD projector (if at Broadway), copy of DVD
Equipment needed: Sound system

Possible locations: Broadway Business Centre (Stoney Street) or a cinema Lee
mentioned (any news?)

Regarding the date, Duncan suggested Sept 16th which seems to fit in with
other people's indicated requirements. Current head count stands at 9. Does
anyone have a prob with Tuesday 16th Sept?
