[Nottingham] 123-reg support

Tom Bird tom at marmot.org.uk
Wed Mar 11 23:19:01 UTC 2009

godfrey wrote:
> Yeah, ok a typo. (Sbil, as in Fawlty, ho ho! Sbil = Sybil, geddit?)
> I have tried all common locations for sendmail without success. And now the 
> support 'droid sends me another copy of the FAQ where is says that sendmail 
> is located in /usr/sbin !! Honestly, they do not seem to read their own 
> documentation, or perhaps they are just never reading my questions.
> So, as they do not support PHP either, I am looking for a new home for some 
> sites. I do not ask for anything fancy, just storage space and a scripting 
> language with the ability to send me anything from a 'contact me' form. And 
> of course mail handling with a couple of mailboxes (or email forwarding).

My hosting platform covers your requirements, there's even a sendmail 
compatible binary in /usr/sbin !

If you have any specific requirements that aren't covered by the 
standard packages, feel free to mail me off list and we'll see what can 
be sorted out.


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