[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* Thurs 03/09/09 Open Session

Thomas Preece thomas at tpreece.net
Thu Sep 3 10:23:42 UTC 2009

> I'll be there at the usual Navigation meet-up with a few fun comments
> for my latest Linux and PC construction and networks tinkerings. What's
> everyone else been up to?

Oh, erm, I was meant to be writing a talk about URN or something, but
unfortunately haven't had time...

I will however bring along a couple of netbooks with our
very-low-latency audio link software on them - we might be able to try
getting some audio from our studios over a 3G connection, or failing
that we can at least go across the room with a crossover cable (and
you can then imagine what it would be like over the Internet...) - but
given that I haven't actually tested either of these yet, it could
make for an interesting evening!!


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