[Nottingham] [Talk] Thursday 01/10/2009 What can Linux do for You?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Sep 28 14:23:15 UTC 2009


Another month and another meet up and we have for consideration and 
perhaps controversy even:

Thursday 01/10/09

What can Linux do for You?

Many people spend many hours at computer keyboards. But what do they 
actually /do/ and /how/ ?

What would /you/ like to do with /your/ PC and Linux? Can it be done even?

This may well be the night we find out what Linux can or cannot do!

All at our favourite venue:

The Navigation


*Thursday 01/10/2009*

Meet:	19:30
(in the bar somewhere - look for penguins or just shout "where's NLUG!")

Talk/Questions/Discussion:	20:00
(in the room upstairs)

Beers and Linux and other topics until 23:00

The Navigation Inn
6 Wilford Street
Tel: 0115 9417139


We are in the large room upstairs. Unfortunately, no WiFi access until 
their phone line and the adsl get fixed...

To find us, just look for any penguins or a cluster of netbooks!
Or ask the friendly bar staff.

All welcome,


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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