[Nottingham] Considering the last talk...

Sergiusz Pawlowicz sergiusz at pawlowicz.name
Sat Apr 30 18:52:04 UTC 2011

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 19:31, David Aldred <davidaldred at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30 April 2011 19:24, Sergiusz Pawlowicz <sergiusz at pawlowicz.name> wrote:
>> In my opinion, leaving an open wifi, to help my neighbours to cut the
>> bills or sometimes even create possibility of any connection, to
>> protect freedom of speech as well, is important enough to justify an
>> unlikely possibility to allow a bad guy to download a picture.
> I said upload, not download.   You're happy to allow people to profit from
> the abuse of children, to protect some nebulous idea of 'freedom of speech'
> (which doesn't and can't exist as a pure entity in any civilised society)?
> What a disgusting attitude.

Could we please talk about numbers?

Recent atrocities of our soldiers have included the slaughter from the
air last month of nine children, ages seven to 13, as they collected
firewood. A similar incident was reported in southeastern Paktia
province on Wednesday, with three youth searching on a mountain for a
lost cow killed in an air strike.

How many "people to profit from the abuse of children" were caught
uploading photos using unprotected wifi networks in the same time?


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