[Nottingham] WonderMedia WM8650

James Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 14 05:43:51 UTC 2013

Hi David,

On 10/03/2013 12:12, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I bought Carolyn a small Netbook which tells me it's a WonderMedia WM8650.
Not a bad little budget tablet
> I decided to put UBUNTU on it. So I burnt an ISO to an SD card with "Startup Disk Creator."
> Al's well - it boots. But the WonderMedia Netbook does not boot from it and as the
> WonderMedia has no BIOS I am at a loss as to what to do.
That's because it's based on an ARM9 processor, not x86/64. The EFI 
(which also contains the OS) is embedded in the processor core, in an 
EEPROM. You need not an ISO image, but an EEPROM image. This also 
contains what would be equivalent to BIOS/EFI information. It all harks 
back to the days of Windows Portable/CE, where the entire user interface 
and app package is contained in a single ROM image of about 40MB of data.
> Any ideas?
> On a more happy not I get delivery of my Triumph Bonneville T100 865cc in April it's Cherry
> and Cream in colour so I'm really excited!!!!!!
> But it's the WonderMedia that vexes!!
> David
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