<DIV>Hi, you may also want to try the Fedora distro (Red Hat 10), which has the spiffy anaconda installation program, but requires a big download.</DIV>
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<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>Martin <martin@ml1.co.uk></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Stephen Hodgson wrote [Top posting the MS reverse chronillogical way]:<BR>> Hi Jay.<BR>> <BR>> The first step is to select your distribution - there are literally <BR>> hundreds out there although you should probably stick with a popular and <BR>[...]<BR>> If you're after a quicker start then the most popular 'newbie' or <BR>> 'Windows user' distros are SuSE (www.suse.com) and Mandrake <BR>> (http://www.mandrakesoft.com/). Both of these distros include GUI <BR>> installation routines and point-and-click system administration tools as <BR>> well as automatic disk partitioning. You'll also find distros included <BR>> on the cover discs of magazines like Linux format (which I believe costs <BR>> about £5-7).<BR><BR>Mandrake 9.2 is on the disks with this month's Linux Format. £6.49 for <BR>the mag with DVD. The CD version is cheaper, but the DVD saves a
lot of <BR>hassle.<BR><BR>Only thing to look out for is whether you have an LG CD *ROM* drive in <BR>your system. LG very stupidly reused one of the ATAPI commands to reload <BR>the drive's firmware. This has tripped up all the kernels enabled for <BR>packet writing into inadvertantly destroying the LG firmware, including <BR>Mandrake 9.2. LG CDRWs are not affected, but still check the Mandrake <BR>site to confirm. There is now a revised kernel with packet writing <BR>disabled, until a better fix is found...<BR><BR>There's also a few updates to download ofcourse. When you install, only <BR>install what you actually need. You can very easily install the <BR>remaining multi-GigaBytes of stuff once you've got the system running <BR>and updated.<BR><BR>Mandrake will be a little slow on a 300MHz machine, but still useable if <BR>you have more than 128MB of RAM.<BR><BR>And it comes with more utilities than I know about!<BR><BR><BR>There's also PuppyLinux, a very small distro, on the Linux
Format DVD.<BR><BR>... And then there are our NLUG Morphix CDs for a very quick start-up <BR>taster!!!<BR><BR><BR>Good luck,<BR><BR>and welcome to the group.<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR>Martin<BR><BR><BR>[... In reply to ...]<BR>> jay haynes <JASONZ249@HOTMAIL.COM>wrote:<BR>> <BR>>> Hi<BR>>><BR>>> I have now got a Compaq 300mhz celeron and am ready to start. Where do <BR>>> i get a copy of linux from to install. Also what tools can you use <BR>>> with Linux , does it have sed or awk or any shell programming utilities.<BR>[...]<BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>----------------<BR>Martin Lomas<BR>martin@ml1.co.uk<BR>----------------<BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Nottingham mailing list<BR>Nottingham@mailman.lug.org.uk<BR>http://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/nottingham</BLOCKQUOTE><p><hr SIZE=1>
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