[Phpwm] Web 2.0

Darren Beale public.darren.beale at siftware.co.uk
Fri Nov 24 12:21:16 GMT 2006

> Could it not be said that any dynamic 
> or database driven site is actually definable as a Web 2.0 site?

To me Web 2.0 is Web using contemporary technologies to push the user
experience towards what we're used to from the desktop. As I see it the
social networking stuff is a by-product and has come about as a result of
(non-exhaustive list):

1) more people using the web due to this increase in the ease of use
2) the interweb being not just a publishing space inhabited by geeks
anymore. It now being socially acceptable to - say - publish your photos
online and witter on about what you had for tea last night via a blog
3) Things actually look good now, e.g. the current trend for shiny,
reflected logo's and the like

I don't normally read stuff like this - something about not enough hours I
the day - but I thought it was bang on the money:



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