[Phpwm] Re: Phpwm Digest, Vol 57, Issue 1

Jujhar Singh jujhar at medilinkwm.co.uk
Mon Mar 12 12:35:18 GMT 2007

Personally, I would create a combination of the two as it would allow 
the most flexibility.

Another thing you could try is if you engineer some of your desktop 
applications to use web services.

At my workplace we have a small database (<100000 records).  Which sits 
on MSSQL 2000.
We use the following interfaces to the data:

    * MS Access (original database was in access, so some of the forms
      and reports are still there).
    * PHP 5.2 running on IIS 5 (with active directory and SSL security)
      (Zend framework, Smarty, Pear, ADOdb, and TinyAjax)
    * vb.NET apps with straight access using SQLServer Adapters
    * vb.NET apps which use web services (with active directory and SSL
      security) written in C# and php

Flexibility in a corporate application is very important to me, I don't 
like to be tied down to a particular way of working.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 16:41:55 -0000
> From: <ibalm at cas-auditbase.co.uk>
> Subject: [Phpwm] Software environments
> To: <phpwm at mailman.lug.org.uk.>
> Message-ID: <20070309164431.BDEB737F379 at smtp.onyx.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> This is not really a PHP question, more an opportunity for some consultancy
> for someone who feels they may have the relevant skills/knowledge.
> In another life (outside of PHP) I am involved with a company which does
> transport software. We are in the process of designing a major re-write of
> the system. It is now agreed that all our clients should have their data
> stored in a single database (MSSQL 2005 at present) and this database will
> need to be able to hold millions of transactions. There are many advantages
> for the visibility and co-operation aspects of the process in doing this.
> It is to be a 'web-based' system in that it should be accessible through a
> browser, but there is a difference of opinion about the general environment
> in which it should be run. There appear to be 3 options:-
> a)       A full web based system i.e. no software downloaded to the client.
> b)       An application running on a server accessed through Citrix.
> c)       Some combination of the above.
> Most of the application is straightforward and lends itself happily to
> standard web pages and with Ajax being around most of what we need can be
> done effectively this way.
> However there are a couple of planning type screens in the current (locally
> installed) system which rely greatly on a speedy responsive, quick resorting
> of the data on the screen etc. Some people feel that a fully web based
> system could not achieve this.
> What we are looking for is a suitable 'expert' who is capable of discussing
> the pros and cons of the 3 approaches.
> Anyone interested?
> ------------------------------
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> End of Phpwm Digest, Vol 57, Issue 1
> ************************************

Jujhar Singh
IT Manager

Medilink West Midlands
5 Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3BE
0121 452 5630 phone 0121 454 2325 fax
www.MedilinkWM.co.uk <http://www.medilinkwm.co.uk>

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