[Rustington] Frank's Scribus file

'Fay Zee' fay at eglug.org.uk
Fri Mar 18 19:43:17 UTC 2011

Hi Frank,

On 18 March 2011 17:49, Derek Waite  wrote:
>......can Scribus save
> files in a format we can all read?

You can export to PDF from Scribus.

However, in outputting a .sla you have unwittingly rendered a great
service :-)

You have illustrated some potential pitfalls with Scribus documents
and encouraged members to look more closely.

So here are two articles/docs I recommend reading:

Opening, Creating and Saving Files
Under the Saving a document section it talks about older versions not
being able to open newer versions, which is widespread in computing
(but not a fault with all apps).
But more importantly it draws attention to the fact that the SLA file
format does not save the images inside the file, but only links to the
images. It gives a couple of solutions, including exporting to PDF. 

And the following is an informative article on PDF Exporting from

Scribus is a great tool and its adherents are constantly grabbing the
newest versions. I have several PCs/laptops with varying distros and
versions. I have to keep an eye on versions when switching between
machines / distros. I don't always need to use the latest and
greatest, depending on the task. But of course, with Scribus, due to
its powerful nature, it pays to use the latest :-)

 Best regards,
East Grinstead Linux User Group

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