[SLUG] changeing title in gnome terminal problem

Kelly Mandrake atapi103 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 17 01:23:28 BST 2004

I wish to change the dynamic title text for the gnome terminal.
I have been lead to believe this is done with PROMPT_COMMAND within 
however all atempts fail even after logging out and back in.

inside .bash_profile I have

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0; Test\007"'


The changes are not reflected in my terminal, futhermore a 'set' command 
demonstrates my PROMPT_COMMAND has not changed at all.  Seems as if 
.bash_profile is being ignored.  I am running Fedora Core 1 with latest 
kernel and updates.  How can I instruct gnome terminal to use my custom 
title text?

I am able however to change the title from a single command, exporting it 

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0; Test\007"'; export PROMPT_COMMAND

works.  Can someone provide assistance?

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