[SLUG] tcpdump

Paul Teasdale pdt at rcsuk.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Nov 6 20:53:31 GMT 2004

On Saturday 06 Nov 2004 17:00, john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:
> Before I start to download it and get myself into all that, could
> someone just confirm that, yes, really, it doesn't come with tcpdump.
Linux does indeed come with tcpdump. I find it very strange that you can 
view a man page for it but not actually run the program however it may 
be a case that you don't have the package that contains tcpdump 
installed. However on Slackware (specifically) if you don't have the 
package with tcpdump installed you would have no help for tcpdump as 
they both reside in the same package.


whereis tcpdump

to see if your system 'thinks' it's installed. So for me this gives:

tcpdump: /usr/sbin/tcpdump /usr/man/man1/tcpdump.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/tcpdump.1.gz

You also need to run tcpdump as root as it binds to a network interface 
but you did say that you have already tried that.

As a final suggestion try and work out which package contains tcpdump in 
Fedora? and reinstall it with the rpm command.



Linux User #351704 (http://counter.li.org)
Scarborough LUG Member (http://www.scarborough.lug.org.uk)
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