[SLUG] Dead process

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 26 11:24:56 GMT 2004

>According to my notes, I should be able to type jobs in a console (I'm
>using a terminal window), and see a list of jobs, then kill it.
>When I type jobs, nothing's listed.
Hmmm... well, afaik jobs shows a list of processes that were started by 
the executing terminal, and which are now running in the background. 
That means that if the deploytool isn't currently running in the 
background then it won't show up in jobs.

Alternatively, it should be showing the in the system process list, try:

ps -ef | grep deploy

Or just

ps -ef

Find the process id (usually the first 4 or so digit number? I think the 
2nd is the id of the calling process?)

Then try, as root or the person who started the process:

kill <job number> #e.g. kill 4567


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