[SLUG] Food for thought

David Webster dave at dave-webster.com
Wed Aug 3 22:49:14 BST 2005

Following on from a discussion later on at the SLUG meeting, I thought 
I'd throw out a few questions on Linux.

What is the purpose and place of Unix and indeed Linux?

What are it's strengths?

Is Linux really meant for the office and/or home user, or is it an OS by 
coders/hackers for coders/hackers?

If we take Linux to mean just the OS kernel.  Then take a GNU/Linux 
distribution as the kernel, a GNU tool chain and a set of applications 
and libraries, then is there much of an idealogical difference between 
running open source on Windows or Linux?  Is the porting of GNU/Linux 
applications harming the Linux OS?

Some food for thought.  I'd like to hear people's views on this.  I 
suppose this links back to the previous post "Why Linux isn't ready for 
desktops "

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