[SLUG] MP3 Renaming

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 30 11:29:18 BST 2005

>I have a ton of MP3's that i've downloaded that have filenames like this '12 
>Track 12.mp3' I would like to rename these to their proper titles. I imagined 
>that I would be able to do this automatically with cddb, but I can't work out 
I'm presuming that the titles are currently in the id tag for the file? 
If not then I don't think you have a chance as cddb relies on the track 
length/offset data from the physical cd as far as I understand.

However, if you have the tag embedded in the file then I've had similar 
challenges as I wished to batch transcode a whole bunch of mp3s.

I think I used id3lib - I needed id3cp which copies a tag from one file 
to another, however there are a host of other utilities in the library 
for you to extract the bits you need for use in a perl/shell script.

If that's what you need then I shall double check the lib name when I 
get home as I found it hard to find again when I needed to reinstall it 
the other month.


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