[SLUG] Digital Scarborough

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 14 19:21:53 BST 2005

Hi all,

The Digital Scarborough event was a success and was a good opportunity 
to highlight our group and make contacts in the community.

We now have a contact at the paper, gave out plenty of leaflets and 
generated a lot of enthusiasm amongst others for OSS in general; and 
amongst ourselves for other ways to get our profile raised.

I'd just like to offer kudos to those that got us there though:

1) Mike - we'd not have had a stall without him and we'd have been none 
the wiser of the missed opportunity, so thanks!
2) John, Farrell and other contributors to the leaflets - they were 
great to hand out and hopefully will have been read and digested by a 
few people - we have plenty left for future events.
3) Ian who manned the stall for about a day in total.
4) Dave, Gareth and anyone else who manned the stall.

A job well done!


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