[SLUG] Sound, a bit of progress 2

Stephen O'Neill soneill84 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 26 09:57:13 BST 2006

john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:
> Well that's interesting, Windows hasn't spotted the on-board network
> card so it's not connected to the Internet.

I'm losing faith in the motherboard I'm afraid - you did comment before 
that the nic just disappeared at one point when you were in Suse, and 
that you had no idea what you could have done to make that happen.

I know that as Linux users we shouldn't be relying on Windows, but 
hardware is so well supported in it that if Windows isn't playing nicely 
then there are dark forces at work.

At least you are now able to reassure Lucy about Linux as Windows is 
actually having more problems.

... Oh my God!!!

Google for "ASROCK 939NF4" and go to page 2 - your thread is right at 
the top. *lol*


Steve O
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