[SLUG] Printer sharing with Mac

Gavin Baker gavbaker at acm.org
Fri May 12 21:15:26 BST 2006

On 12 May 2006, at 20:34, john at johnallsopp.co.uk wrote:

> What are your initial thoughts about sharing a printer connected to my
> Fedora 4 with a Mac OSX laptop (connected over wireless network)?

Both run cups. As long as your cupsd.conf on fedora is set up to  
allow local (network) access, just turn on your osx box and it will  
see the printer.

> I also have a laser printer to plug in somewhere. Shall I plug that
> into my Fedora too so I just have one lot of sharing to deal with? I'd
> have to make the Windows XP machine see those too. Or shall I print
> the laser printer into the Windows machine and attempt to share
> printers in two places/directions.

I would let fedora share the laser too.

Add it to cups, osx will just work.

Cups and XP both know ipp:  So just add the new printers on XP, tell  
it they are network printers, give the url of the printers and tell  
it they are generic postscript printers.

You can get the printer urls when your on your fedora box, if it's at
then you tell XP
   ipp://<fedora ip>:631/printer/queue
or something like that.

Windows, surprisingly doesn't understand postscript though, so you  
will need to install the free postscript drivers from adobe.com

If you run into problems, then tail -f /var/log/cups/*
It will most likely be some conservative settings in fedora's /etc/ 

You could also set up a raw queue on cups and let XP use the native  
drivers for the printer model, but I like the former, simpler method.



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