[SLUG] Accessibility update

DAVID KNIGHT davidknight24 at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 2 12:54:37 BST 2007

Hi, been away the last few days so I've been catching up on the mailing lists.
  My main computer is Ubuntu 7.04 (when the kids aren't on it - bebo has a lot to answer for, grrrr). I really think this distro has what it takes to hit the big time. Support is fantastic, regular updates and a really friendly community. There's a reason it's been number 1 on distrowatch for a long time! 
  Anyway, I've been E-mailing Kristian, the developer of the Zoom plug-in for ComprizComm (the supposed new name of the Beryl/Compriz amalgam. He's working on it as part of the Summer of code project. He's already implemented a ton of new accessibility features;
  message begins...
  Where to find my zoom code
http://gitweb.opencompositing.org/?p=us ... ;a=summary

Current state of the code
Quite stable. A bit messy. A few non-critical bugs related to focus tracking.

Implemented improvements

   Input enabled   
   Zoom follows focus   
   Fit zoom-area to a window   
   Manual keyboard zoom panning   
   Zoomed cursor   
   Static zoom area with mouse input   
   Pre-defined zoom levels on hotkeys
Pending improvements

   Zoom follows cursor   
   Communication with Orca   
   Center mouse/zoom.
Additional features might pop up include: 

   Fit window to zoom-level   
   Input transformation/redirection enabled zoom (This depends on X.org development)   
   Storing/Restoring zoom-states on the fly.   
   Sensitivity fixes   
   Mouse guides
  ...message ends 
  I've also been helping Guillaume who's coding the filters to allow increased contrast, yellow/black, green/black filters. Should hopefully bear some fruit very soon.
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