[SLUG] Contact details

Andy Copland andy.copland at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 10:25:33 BST 2008

I lived in Guildford for a while and went along to some of the meetings
there - it was interesting. It was quite a strong group of people - but it
still had falling attendances.

I think it comes down to visibility. Why don't we have a Scarborough lug on
facebook? god knows it is easier to organise meetings and put messages out

John - you are a bit of a facebook guru (don't be shy) what do you think?


2008/8/1 John Allsopp <john at johnallsopp.co.uk>

>  I'm not sure where the social element of LUG meetings will go - across
>> the country they sound like they only succeed in some pockets.
> So where's this feeling that LUGs are becoming less popular coming from.
> Al, you said it (first). What are the experiences of other LUGs, are they
> dropping off too?

Andy Copland
andy.copland at gmail.com
mobile: +44 (0) 7970 267 882
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