[SLUG] Contact details (the big discussion)

Martin Webb martin at webb.lcbroadband.co.uk
Sun Aug 3 12:25:32 BST 2008

Ross Kendall wrote:
> Here are a couple of my thoughts for the discussion:
>     * As far as a missions statement goes, I find the title obvious
>       enough (Scarborough Linux Users Group).  The about page of the
>       current website states it how I understand it: "The group exists
>       as a social and educational forum for Linux users in the
>       Scarborough area."
>     * The website is very out-of-date and needs updating.  It would be
>       good if it could be a community portal where every member could
>       post news, discussion topics and generally help with keeping it
>       up-to-date.  /I would be happy to port the current site to Drupal
>       to help this happen./  (That would remove the need for using
>       Facebook, but I'd still be happy to join a FB group)
>     * Actually, following on from the above, I just created a Facebook
>       group:
>       http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=22353492307
>     * Personally, I am not interested in trying to convert people to
>       Linux.  I am happy to help new users out, but otherwise think that
>       if the group is to become more active, it would be better off
>       trying to attract existing Linux users in Scarborough.

Yes, I like the sound of this, and support the use of Drupal. Used 
Moodle (which is not that dissimilar, but needed adaptation) for a 
while, for similar purposes.  Worked very well.

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