<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div><span>I've only ever been to the Rydale LUG @ Wills in Malton, but the last bus home to Scarborough is at 8:3o pm or summat; it's keeps changing! Work in Swinton for Mum & Dad a couple days a week. Then every Monday go to the Thai Restarant for £1o a head which my Dad's mate Stuart and his wife run. The cross keys £1o and you get a starter and then as much as you want of everything then go to Wills about 7 then leave wills to walk to bus station with suitcase of stuff bringing back from parents etc. Anyway, I live next door to The Valley in Scarborough now, where the Scarborough LUG meet. So I am always up for a beer and a chinwag about anything Linux, Android or Mac, but refuse to talk Microsoft. Got Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop which I dual boot with because it is just sooooooooooooooooo
slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow as a slug {tee hee pee} and crashes all the time, and when the Linux never crashes. The Kernel Thatis, it never loses work and saves it all to your desquetop. I use a real time kernel for zero audio latency so it plays the sound with zero delay for making music, and use ubuntu studio cos it has all the music /photo / video software and is Ubuntu, so a contant 16.7 Mbps 24/7 when it's doing updates. And that is why I run Ubuntu; the servers at Canonical are wicked. I only ever use Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit when I need to run Virtual DJ, or play Poker or use my poker cheating software. Texas Holdem no limits party poker or zinga poker on facebook. So I run Gnome 3.6 for my desktop use, but XFCE when I am working music thatis. Yeah the only disadvantasge of the real time kernel, I find, is that it has a habit or stealing all available memory, which makes it unsuitable for multi user systems. Got 'buntu 12.1o 64bit
Studio on my tower too, dual booting with XP Pro stitute we call it, and the only Windows software I have ever paid for is nod32 from eset.com £35 for a year, so it's really not that expensive. You get a 32 day freebie then it disables the firewall virus and malware stuff. It's so easy to crack though no need to pay, and if I can crack it, then it can't be very good. Used to run Kaspersky since about '95 when Windows 95 had just come out, when it was called AVP. It really protects you well, but it slows your machine down which people think it's working and doing something, infering it's doing good. Again, it was / is so easy to crack, which doesn't give me any confidence in the rest. Yeah so NOD32 from ESET.com for all your security needs, and Virtual DJ 7.2 for your djing but the home version is free so never need to pay for that! ;) Or if you're a real skinflint, get the zonealarm free firewall, and use microsoft security essentials for your anti
virus. Sorry, too much information! Telling you all my secrets/ ;) 8) Brain puke....</span></div><div></div><div> </div><div>-- <br> Alex Armani - IT Consultant / Digital Musician <br>+447972641526 - MYspace.com/Alex.Armani<br> www.facebook.com/Alex.Armani.01.UK</div> </div></body></html>