[sclug] Computer auctions

Neil Haughton n.a.haughton at bigfoot.com
Sat Oct 25 09:05:40 UTC 2003

Leon Ward wrote:

>Never been to one myself, does anyone have a sample auction list from one
>that "went down" in recent months?
>Would like to see the type of bargains (if any) are available.
>- Nard

It's ex-corporate office stuff mainly, 3 year old accounting write-offs 
and that sort of thing, so you'll find lots of monitors (mostly 17" but 
some larger ones too), boxes (266MHz PII's and so on), laptops, HP laser 
printers, scanners, keyboards. Mostly clean and in pretty good nick too.

Best bet is to go to one (entrance charge is minimal and gets you a 
catalogue) and see for yourself.  Staff are pretty helpful and will even 
give you an off-the-record idea of guide prices beforehand, if you ask. 
At worst you'll waste a Saturday morning.

Neil Haughton

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Neil Haughton [mailto:n.a.haughton at bigfoot.com]
>>Sent: 20 May 2003 21:14
>>To: sclug at sclug.org.uk
>>Subject: [sclug] Computer auctions
>>>On Mon, 19 May 2003 18:09:46 +0100
>>>Neil Haughton <n.a.haughton at bigfoot.com> wrote:
>>>>Those auctions are really worth while (don't spread it around!), 
>>>Where do you hear about them?
>>I 'heard' of them by spotting a notice outside Rivermead 
>>(where they are 
>>held locally). Usually a Sat or Sun morning every couple of 
>>months. Once 
>>you have been to your first one and registered they will post you a 
>>catalogue a couple of weeks before each subsequent auction.
>>Unfortunately I had to cap my IT spend for the rest of this year 
>>(married, you see), so no longer have the last catalogue that 
>>I received :-)
>>Neil Haughton
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>>sclug at sclug.org.uk
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