[sclug] Wireless

Alex Butcher lug at assursys.co.uk
Mon Sep 25 00:05:37 UTC 2006

On Sun, 24 Sep 2006, Robin Lewis wrote:

> If SuSE uses udev, the device nodes shouldn't be created unless the
> devices actually exist; meaning that if you have two hard drives,
> they'll go hda([0-9]+) hdb([0-9]+)

Sort of - the device nodes that are created/used depends on the controllers
that the drives are attached to. The fact that Neil has hde suggests that he
has at least 3 (probably 4) PATA channels, and the drive is attached to the
3rd of these (rather than the 1st, which would have been normal in 1995 when
much Linux documentation was originally written). This is all quite normal.

>, unless they're SATA/SCSI. That's my experience, anyway - SuSE may do
> things differently.

Yes, SATA drives show up as pseudo-SCSI devices. The ATA command set is
essentially the same as SCSI anyway, only the lowest layers differ (i.e.
physical, and wire protocol).

> Robin Lewis

Best Regards,
Alex Butcher, Bristol UK.                           PGP/GnuPG ID:0x5010dbff

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