[sclug] dynamic iptables updates for SMTP server

Darren Davison darren at davisononline.org
Tue Jun 3 10:06:22 UTC 2008

Anyone know if a similar solution to "DenyHosts" [1] exists for SMTP
connections? (doesn't look as if DenyHosts itself is pluggable in any

My little home network has seen a huge rise recently in the number of
blocked SMTP connections due to RBL checking (from around 300 per day to
around 1200 per day).  Most of this is due to a few persistent servers
that just retry the connection several hundred times, ignoring the
failure code from my postfix box.

Ideally, I'd like to add the offending IP address to hosts.deny, or as
the subject of an iptables rule for a period of 24 hours after they make
more than a handful of rejected SMTP connections.

Any pointers appreciated.


[1] http://www.denyhosts.net

Darren Davison
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