[sclug] PC Recycling Event

Philip Hands phil at hands.com
Fri Jun 20 17:58:07 UTC 2008

On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:25:23PM +0100, Phillip Chandler wrote:
> Hi Everyone.
> I recently had three old PC's from John Stumbles, one of which was made
> up from parts from the other two, etc. And then was donated to the local
> school two doors away from myself, installed with Ubuntu and the KDE
> games, plus the Education programs like klatin etc.

I have a few Compaq Proliant 1850's (and similar) in a stack in my
living room, which would perhaps be more useful as back-office servers
for schools.

I was planning on taking them to a recycling place near where they are
now, but if you have contacts that would be able to make use of them,
you're welcome to them.

You'd probably not want them in a classroom or office, as the noise from
their fans would drive people nuts.

They're 3U rackmounts, with SCSI RAID (3x 18GB drives) with dual 450MHz
PIIIs  IIRC -- of course, electricity is now pricey enough so that a
sane accounting would probably lead one to decide to save the power and
use the money to by something small and ARM based instead, but I imagine
that electricity comes out of a different budget, and so can be justified
more easily than new hardware.

They probably need to be tested, but if they're going to a worthwhile
home I'll stick a minimal Debian etch or lenny on them in order to
confirm all the bits are working (and to test out the latest version of
debian-installer, which is one of my hobbies)

Cheers, Phil.

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