[Sussex] Agree

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Dec 4 15:08:01 UTC 2002

I could'nt agree more.  I'm a firm believer in the open policy, but I don't
bury my head in the muck.  I also want what you want and Linux at the moment
(interesting as it is, and great potential that it offers) does not give me
the instant satisfaction that a "desktop for the masses" would give.

For instance i'm quite happy to have my DVD player now up and running with
VideoLan installed.  But it was a bugger to get going - I spent several
hours last night downloading DEB file upon DEB file, until all the
references resolved.  On WinDoze I just slam the installation disk and 5
minutes later I'm watching "Fast and the Furious in Quality Surround Sound".
Now don't get me wrong - I AM looking at Linux because it may be a realistic
alternative to "Micro-Squeeze-The-Punter's-Again" offering, and put up with
all the frustrations and steep learning curve only because I have a long
experience of the technology (ie. I've bin around) (and I must be mad

True newbies would give up within half an hour.  No, first try at installing
anything like scanners or video drivers.

> Dominic wrote:
> --------------
> >I consider myself reasonably educated...
> ...and indeed you are.  But you are amongst a minority when 
> it comes to
> computers.
> >Currently I would *demand* an MS OS on a machine I bought 
> for home use as I
> >have yet to be convinced that I can get the speed of use 
> (read 'ease of
> >access to lazy features'), compatability and 'hard day at 
> work today' type
> >simplicity that I demand from my home system.  I do not care 
> if it can't
> run
> >as a cluster, I do not want reliability.  I couldn't give a 
> bugger about
> >security, My checkbook is in the drawer!  
> >What I want, is somethin pretty, What I want is wizards, 
> What I want are
> >messages in bubbles and loads of games that install 
> themselves for me when
> I
> >wiggle my mouse at them at them.

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