[Sussex] DPKG-GET agin

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Dec 5 09:22:01 UTC 2002

I wrote

> Could'nt DPKG be modified so we could do a DPKG-GET? where instead of
> listing unresolved references, it would look at certain pre-configured web
> addresses say in a dpkg.conf file.  Then the problem of looking for
> lists of subordinate DEB files would be solved.

Sorry lads it shows my ignorance, APT already does what I mooted, in that it
searches for and installs .DEB files (doh!).  

	:D  LOL

Steve wrote

> Debian internal stuff in strongly designed and talked about on
> debian-devel. Any new features a written (mostly) by debian developers,
> tested and rolled out.  The LUG would have problems getting a new approach
> accepted into 
> Debian cold.

> Steve (A Debian Developer)

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