[Sussex] Venues for Christmas Meet

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Nov 11 08:48:01 UTC 2002


Brighton was the winner (9 votes), after Natalie re-expressed her vote
Horsham and Gatwick tied for second place (2 votes each).

Does anyone have any suggestions for a venue in Brighton for dinner for
12-18 people?  I shall try and book something in the next couple of days
(work permitting).

The current list of attendies is a follows:

Ablett, Gareth 
Butler, Nik 
Crowhurst, John
Dobson, Steve 
Ellis, Tom 
Fautley, Jon 
Macdonald-Wallace, Mathew
Nixon, Stuart
Servini, Angelo
Teale, Geoff
Williams, Steve 
Clay, Domonic

Possible attendies (i.e. not yet decided)
Ford, Natalie
Teale, Sarah

If you're name is missing from this list please let me know ASAP and do let
me know if you have any special requirements.
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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