[Sussex] Re: Laptop install tonight

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Nov 28 15:09:00 UTC 2002

> Domonic,
> A challenge, hurrah!
> There are plenty of people in the group who should be able to do this
> for you.  It's really a question of having the disks to hand - I'm sure
> Actus must have Debian or suchlike laying around in the office.

We do - debian is our standard OS for installation on client servers :)

> The other option is ZipSlack or any of the other distros that can run
> from a filesystem that simply looks like a file under windows..

Or.... we have a 2Mbit DSL line here, so installing over the internet
shouldn't take long if you have a floppy drive and a network connection...

* Jon Fautley *
c: +44 (0) 7984 714410
t: +44 (0) 1403 24 1337
e: jon at geekpeople.net
  "Oi've got a brand new comboine 'arvester"

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