[Sussex] Apache etc...

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew.wallace at interactwiththe.net
Wed Sep 11 10:51:00 UTC 2002

Morning SLUG's!

I'm feeling slightly hung-over today, however, progress must be made! ;o)

I've managed to roll-my-own linux, and I'm about to install apache 1.3.26
(PHP won't work with Apache2 without modifying the .h files...) and I'm,
after somewhere on the web where I can get a list of the available mods for
apache and php, e.g IMAP, GD, PDF etc for PHP and mod_ssl etc for apache.

The problem is, there doesn;t seem to be a central website that I can find.
If anyone knows of one, can you please let me know?




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!        Matthew Macdonald-Wallace       !
!         www.interactwiththe.net        !
!   Committees have become so important  !
!      that subcommittees have to be     !
!        appointed to do the work.       !
!  .oooO                  .oooO          !
!  (   )   Oooo.          (   )  Oooo.   !
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