[Sussex] UK Linux Expo

Neil Ford neil at smudgypixels.net
Wed Sep 11 13:24:00 UTC 2002

On 11/9/02 11:44 am, "Geoff Teale" <Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk> wrote:

>> Ahh... You've not been to a linux expo before then? ;-)
> No but I have been to several IT trade shows before..
Last year you could see the tumbleweed blowing between the stands :-)

>> Personally I'll be turning up around lunchtime, doing the
>> quick wiz around
>> all the usual tired stands and then finding an alternative
>> location to spend
>> the rest of the afternoon in :-)
> That sounds reasonable. Generally I find you have to be patient and get to
> speak to the people you really want to at a show.
I genuinely hope it's better than last year, when the majority of people
manning booths were suits (Debian's booth being an obvious exception) who
really only knew what was in the marketing bumph.
>> You may call me a cynic if you wish.
> Ah, no, I know exactly what you mean.  I went to a "Windows 2000" show at
> Olympia a couple of years back and I was there for about 1 hour before I was
> totally bored.  It'll help to have other people there though.  I'd like the
> opportunity to track down knowledgeable people and assimilate some of that
> knowledge.

For the true knowledge, it's the pub over the road and the parties
afterwards.... And occasionally the coffee area if you get lucky.

I'll be there simply because I can write the whole thing off as a business
trip (but no, that doesn't mean I'll be splashing the cash on the bevies I'm
afraid :-( )

Neil Ford

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