[Sussex] Transcoding MP2 to MP3

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Apr 24 18:04:01 UTC 2003

On Thu, 24 Apr 2003, Mark Harrison wrote:

> Do both mpg123 and lame work with streams?
> The MP2 stream HAS to come from elsewhere on the network... and the MP3 stream
> has to be broadcast round the network also.

You can change the output file of lame to be stdout or a pipe or sommat,
so that should be ok. mpg123 will play HTTP streams, iirc you just specify
the input filename as http://mooses.net/cabooses.mp2... Failing that you
could pipe the output of lynx -source http://mooses.net/cabooses.mp2 to
mpg123 then to lame...

I take it this is for streaming from sommat like a Psion wavefinder to a
network audio player... i.e. an inferior slimp3 ;)

Jon Fautley           >o)     .^.     (o<   jon at geekpeople.net
+44 (0) 1403 24 1337  //\     /V\     //\   http://www.geekpeople.net/
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