[Sussex] (no subject)

Mark Harrison Mark at ascentium.co.uk
Sat Apr 26 18:55:01 UTC 2003


Welcome to SLUG. We notionally start at 1900 (the time, not the year), but people roll in earlier or later as they see fit.

Are you very, very, gullible??? If so, then there's an attendance fee of £100 per year, or £10 per meeting, payable to me.... You won't see anyone else hand over money to me, since they've all paid annually - some have paid up to five or six years in advance, which you might like to consider :-)

Seriously, though, the meet is free in the sense that linux is:

- There is no licencing fee for attending a SLUGmoot
- There is, for a particular meeting, a "media charge" payable to the hosting provider, The Olde King's Head
- You are welcome to bring others to the SLUGmoot providing you make these details available to them


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