[Sussex] Straw Poll

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Apr 28 14:41:03 UTC 2003


On 28 April 2003 at 14:29 Geoff Teale wrote:
> ..this might start some discussion (and traditionally, 
> flaming) but I am actually genuinely interested to know:

why?  (and please publish the results as now I want to know too
but I don't know why).
> What editor, ide or wordprocesssor do you use, why and how do 
> you pronounce its name?
> a) vi / vim / kvim / gvim
> b) GNU Emacs / XEmacs / Gosmacs
> c) NEdit
> d) Pico / Nano
> e) Kate
> f) joe
> g) gedit
> h) xedit
> i) ed
> j) a.n. other editor
> C-x C-c for now... :)

vi or xemacs.  Depending upon mood and changes to make.  Generally
for programming I run up xemacs and vi for everyting else (including
looking at code examples).


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