[Sussex] Straw Poll

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Apr 28 14:56:02 UTC 2003

> vi seems to hold a lot of kudos considering that it is 
> fundementally akward
> to use.  

Thinking about this, it occurs to me that this is _why_ people consider vi
use to be an status thing.  In the old days vi used to be the first app you
learnt to use, and operating vi correctly is a right of passage.  These days
most distros drop you into a GUI environment from day one, and even the
likes of Debian and Gentoo default to GNU Nano instead of vi.  To think we
are entering an age where there are thousands of Linux users who don't know
their ESC-Z-Z from their :q! 

..but then perhaps that is a good thing.

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