[Sussex] Windows bye-bye

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Aug 8 07:44:01 UTC 2003

Morning Geoff / Gavin 

On 8/8/2003 Geoff Teale wrote:
> 1. If you have enough bandwidth then you don't need to get Debian 3
> disks to upgrade to Debian 3. Debian is built around their online
> repositories which means that by just keeping your packages up to date
> you will never need to install from a new release disk again.  For exact
> instructions on how to do the upgrade on Debian I'd wait for the
> inevitable post from Steve Dobson or Nik Butler - both fine Debian
> zealots.

It will also work over a 56K (as if I ever see a number that high) modem.
I know I do it all the time.  

Check out the web and the archives of this mail list as I have posted
many times before.  (Note to self - write a Debian upgrade HOWTO and
put it on the SLUG site.)  There are also examples for the
/etc/apt.sources file in the man page ("man 5 apt.sources").
When upgrading you have two options:

1). Use the "stable" release (Code name woody), or

2). Use the "testing" release (Code name sarge).

Personally I used the named release so I can determine when I change
over.  sarge is now very useable - I've been running it for some months
now without issue.

So the lines in my /etc/apt.sources looks something like this:
 deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free

(I've written this on a WinDoz box without access to my Debian systems
if you post back I'll be able to post the real setting over weekend).

> 2. The mozilla file you have should probably be something like this:
> http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.5a/mozilla-i686-pc-
> linux-gnu-1.5a-sea.tar.gz

The debs are in sarge if you don't want to compile it youself.


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