[Sussex] VNC Apps?

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Fri Aug 29 17:21:01 UTC 2003

> All,
> A new semester is beckoning for me at university, and I'd quite like to
> be able to use my computer from uni.  I've got dynDNS setup on my
> firewall, I'm just wondering what the best VNC app is in peoples view.
> I was using tightvnc over a lan, but obviously if this is gonna be going
> over the net, it needs to be v. secure.  Also, a webfront end via JAVA
> would be nice, coz the uni firewall is so strict!

I would say TightVNC, coupled with ssh & ssh2ssl to tunnel it through
their firewall on port 443.

Another idea would be this one:



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