[Sussex] The woes of trying to install Debian woody.

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Sat Aug 30 12:11:01 UTC 2003

On Saturday 30 Aug 2003 10:34 am, Steve Dobson wrote:

Oh and I forgot to mention, the only way I managed to include the links to apt 
that you sent, was to re-install,

But it didn't like the 

"deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian-non-US stable non-US/main non-US/contrib 


It kept throwing up error's about "non-US/contrib" so I kept changing it too 
see if I could get it going - after trying all the various permutations, I 
had to delete that one and managed to link with just the first ftp link and 
the http://security link.


John D.

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