[Sussex] NOW: So, who are the all-time greats? WAS Hello all

Andrew Guard agua at coinford.co.uk
Wed Feb 12 08:36:02 UTC 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Harrison [mailto:Mark at ascentium.co.uk]
> Sent: 11 February 2003 21:57
> To: sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
> Subject: [Sussex] NOW: So, who are the all-time greats? WAS Hello all
> Much as it's always fun to spar with Nik, I was wondering who 
> the "all-time
> greats" actually are. I would suggest, for you, the following.
> Given that I'm "a bit older" than many on the list, it would 
> be interesting
> to see how many names the younger SLUGgers (SLUGgettes?) 
> recognise my list.
> And to see what alternative names are generated.
> The criteria are:
> - Most long-term influence on the course of IT
> - Open publication of what they discovered / invented
> My top bunch, in roughly chronological order are as follows.
> - Alan Turing
> - Joseph Van Neumman
> - Dennis Ritchie
> - Ken Thompson
> - Don Knuth
> - Tony Hoare
> - Edsger Dijkstra
> - Mitch Kapor
> - John Perry Barlow
> - Richard Stallman
> - Linus Torvalds
> - Larry Lessig

I would add Jay Miner.  Just because he was one greatest electronics
(computer) engineers ever.  He use to various fares and explained how the
electronic really worked and why he did what he did.  


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