[Sussex] RE: The 'D' programming language

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu Feb 20 14:42:00 UTC 2003


On 20 February 2003 at 14:19 Geoff Teale wrote:
> As it's my birthday and nobody seem to be hassling me as I 
> have a desk full of doughnuts next to me and a few pints inside me,

Where was my invite to doughnuts and beer down the pub.  On second
thoughts if I'd have popped over we'd probably still be there.  Is
that a bad think?

> I shall continue...

Please do

> Steve wrote:
> ------------
> <snip>
> >   [That last line was adapted from a line in the second radio 
> >    series of the Hitch Hikers' Guild to the Galaxy - By D Adams]
> This must be some strange new use of the word "Safe" I wasn't 
> previously aware of...

That's the one.
> > 3\ Sometimes the pressures of the project also causes the 
> > developers to
> > go with what they know.  When managers do this is can get in the way
> > of building a better system.  
> Yes.  It's certaily easier to spec accurately for a lnaguage 
> you already know!

Most of they time I've done it it is to reduce the risk - a language that
I already know is one less thing to bite me in the arse.
> <snip>
> > Did I misread you?  If I did I'm sorry.
> As likely as not it was my explanation that was lacking, not your
> understanding.

Very noble of you.
> I agree totally that assembly is _not_ the best way of doing the job, it
> would merely be the most intelectually challenging approach.  What I was
> trying to point out was that I didn't really have time to dedicate to my
> favoured tools (D, Ruby, LISP) because I have to live in the "real world".

I've look at the "real world" and didn't like what I saw :-)


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