[Sussex] Me!

Adam Smith adamjsmith at clara.co.uk
Thu Feb 27 01:09:01 UTC 2003

Fellow SLUGgers,

This probably isn't worthy of a thread all to itself, but I've started typing it now - there's no going back.

I just wanted to let anyone know who is actually interested in meeting me (note to self - stop putting self down) that there's a fairly strong chance I won't be able to make tomorrows meet.  For those who are counting that's 3 successive meets I've had to make my excuses for.  

So what's the reason this time you ask?  Well, 2 months and £900 after I first took my bike to Motoport Eastbourne for repair it STILL isn't ready.  It "may or may not" be ready for tomorrow afternoon but knowing Motoport it still won't be ready this week.  If by some miracle it is ready tomorrow I'll be there will bells on, but otherwise I'll be without any means of getting from the train station to my house at whatever time I arrive home which would make for a rather uncomfortable night on the train station bench.

To wrap this up, my apologies once again and I'll be there next time (I may even bring gadgets!).


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