[Sussex] Mutt Addiction

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu Feb 27 09:51:01 UTC 2003


On 27 February 2003 at 07:48 Nik Butler wrote:
> Damn I been using Mutt and Vi to long.

Wash you're mouth out (with soap).  The ASCII interface is the one true
interface and don't you forget it.  These programs should just what can be
done with such an interface - along with lynx, mplayer and the rest.

> I just tried to close and save a notepad window by typing esc - :wq
> Worse yet I viewed a link on IE then pressed I. 
> aaargh to much keyboard interface!
> Anyone else suffer from Platform cross over!

I don't have to swap platforms to get interface cross over.  I've typed
ESC-Shift-Z-Z to exit from XEmacs - and forever using vi commands in XEmacs.

My greatest fun is now I'm running VNC is when I have a PuTTY session
The paste mouse button is just in the wrong place - especially when I've
pasted text into a Xterm.


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