[Sussex] Threads

The ol' tealeg geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net
Fri Jan 3 13:06:01 UTC 2003

Now now chaps, it's obvious:

The two threads are indeed distinct threads (and this is yet a third
one), however they are all threads witihin the same process (that
process being a discussion of threads) and share the same memory space
(this being one important way in which a thread is distinguished
(conceptually) from a process).  The real questions here is this:

If this thread of discussion blocks (As it presumably will once I send
this e-mail the thread will block until further input from a SLUG member
is revieved on the subject), will that block the entire process (and
thus all other threads) or merely this thread?

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk 
geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net 
     / _______________  ______  ______/\ 
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   / / / __   __    / / /   / / / 
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\_______\/ \_______\/    \_\/ 


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