[Sussex] Presidential Candidates

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Jan 23 09:07:01 UTC 2003

So chaps,

It's that time again.  THe various presidential candidates for the next US
election will start to present themselves to the world over the next 6
months or so (I've seen at least one already).

Amongst this clamour there is apparantly now a campaign to encourage Steve
Jobs (Acting CEO of Apple) to run for president.  Whilst I'm not sure this
is a wholly good idea (Jobs being only marginly less insane than Larry
Ellison) I have noted the effect the last change of president had on the
courts treatment of Microsoft - as the state of Massachussets is still
appealing this case (and it looks like it will remain unresolved for upto
another 2 years) having Steve Jobs in the Whitehouse could prove, let us
say, beneficial ;)

I can't see Mr. Jobs letting the court give out a settlement that allows
Microsoft to get it's hooks into the US educational market as it's

BTW.  I don't have a link to hand, but it's worth checking out www.ft.com to
see the article the Financial Times ran about LINUX adoption across the
European Union.  It's worth it to see another headline on the sidebar
"Microsoft to provide source code for its software for free" - which is an
over simplification of their desperate tactics to stop every government in
the world dropping them (which, since Peru kicked it off, seems to be
spreading like wildfire) - all I can say is that slowly but surely we're
forcing Microsoft to play _our_ game - who'd of thought something like that
would ever happen a few years ago?

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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