[Sussex] Winmodem *yuk*

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Thu Jan 23 15:11:01 UTC 2003

> However the second problem that occured was tha whenever he dialed his
> ISP (virginnet) he got very slow download speed and got cut of after
> just a few minutes.  pppd dies unexpectidly and reports error 16.
> He's tried with his old external 14.4k modem and everything works fine.
> It turns out that the modem Evesham fit is a Win-modem.  Searching the
> web again I find that it is possible to fix this with updated drivers.
> Apparantly evesham give you these drivers on a CD as well, along with
> some instructions that tell you that you will have to rebuild the
> machine if you want to install them.

There is a site for these modems, its called linmodem:

> Frankly I'm not impressed with Evesham's choice of a Winmodem.. that's
> just inviting trouble.

Companies try to go for the cheapest way to build computers, and that
would be on board AMR (Audio Modem Riser, basically a winmodem)


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